
Book: It’s Not You: 27 (Wrong) Reasons You’re Single

51wVnWpLBBL._SL250_ It’s Not You: 27 (Wrong) Reasons You’re Single (Amazon) is a series of essays and anecdotes around themes. The themes are the things that you tell yourself, or that people tell you, about why it is you’re still alone.

Mostly I found it… reassuring. The thoughts of “oh I’m inadequate” or “I need to do X, Y and Z first” or “I need to be HAPPY!” are normal, and not necessarily true. I think a lot of these things have maybe a grain of truth in them, but believe them too much and it will drive you mad. The main message was to just be who you are, do what you want, get on with your life. You don’t know what will happen. Sometimes you will be sad, and that is OK. Sometimes you will get dumped, and that sucks but you will survive. Sometimes you will not be able to connect with someone who looks great on paper, and there is no point beating yourself up about it.

I found it to be a pretty quick read, and a nice change from the kind of books that I tend to read a lot of. All in all, if you’re single and don’t always feel 100% happy with that, maybe it’s worth giving it a read for some perspective.

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